Dataset information
Available languages
søkerliste, venteliste, barnehage
Dataset description
Some comments on the dataset: & Field & » shows what option the requested kindergarten was on the application. In the case of a new application, parents can choose 4 kindergartens in the desired priority ( order & 5 or higher is entered by central users in the municipality (to be able to create offers for a kindergarten that is not among the kindergartens applied for) & Some applications have two or more kindergartens with the same option. This is because they have changed on the original application and changed the order of selected kindergartens or selected kindergartens other than originally entered. The exclusion is unable to distinguish which kindergarten of those who have the same option is the last and active, and which are historical. & The municipality has a set of criteria that are followed in the main admission (must have applied within the deadline and meet criteria for the right to place in the main admission, is guaranteed an offer of space), and a set of criteria that are followed in supplementary admission (supplementary = continuous admission throughout the year). In the data set I have included the application date, the desired start date and the age of children. Criteria for this year’s main admission were among other things: children must be born no later than 30 November the previous calendar year (31.11.2017) and Application date must be by 1 March (application deadline) o You must have the desired start date by 31.12.2018 (current calendar year) & Field &Bydel » is a mandatory field where the applicant can choose one or more districts as preferred if they do not receive an offer at any of their applied kindergartens. & In order to distinguish the different applications (children), I have omitted social security numbers and replaced with a serial number, where each child/application has a unique number. How to distinguish the different applications from each other & bull; I have chosen to include all options on the application. This is because you have the right to appeal if you are not offered your first or second wish. Here there is a potential to think how to get applicants to think smartly about their 3 rd and 4th option to increase the likelihood of being offered at a kindergarten where they have a greater opportunity to get offers. For example, if you apply for 4 kindergartens for which there are many applicants, the probability is greater of being offered to a kindergarten you do not have on your application, and thus less opportunity to influence which kindergarten they will then be offered (other than specifying the relevant districts if they do not receive an offer on any of their sought alternatives). Data that are not included in the extract are among other things: & The date of birth of the children is not included, as I am not sure whether it can be included in open data. Instead, you have the birth year of your children, and can thus distinguish between litter (age group) & bull; Children’s residential address & Whether the application is a new application (children without a place in kindergarten) or exchange applications (these are included in the main admission but since they already have a place in kindergarten they are not entitled to change kindergarten in the main admission). Those with the right to place according to the criteria without a kindergarten place are entitled to few offers in the main admission. Of the applications in the data set, exchange applications constitute 508 applications. These usually have only one option, and new applications usually have all four options. Criteria: The municipality and politicians, in addition to legislation and national guidelines, govern how applications are prioritised in the allocation/offer of space. These can therefore be changed from year to year (see ). Some of this year’s priorities that cannot be read from the data set, for example, are children with special criteria (such as children with priority after $13 in the Childhood Act) or sibling priority. Other info: Also worth noting is that when allocating a place/offer for space, you can choose to keep the application active if you do not get your first wish, but then only the first option remains on the application. If you get an offer for your fourth wish and keep the application, "disappears » 2nd and 3 rd wishes, and the application is granted the status of exchange application with only one option. In the main admission period, it is closed to change your own application, typically during the period of application deadline and through April.
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