Wordlists from the Language Council of Norway

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2014.11.20 00:00
Available languages
språkbanken, språkforskning, leksikon, språkteknologi
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Language Council of Norway has compiled various types of word lists. Språkbanken has coverted them into a database, version 1 and 2 are in tsv format and version 3 is in xml format. We appreciate your feedback if you detect any errors. The word lists can only be used for linguistic and language technology research and development. The copyright remains with The Language Council of Norway, which must always be credited. The following lists are published here: - Navn på språk - language names - Navn på stater - country names - Navn på statsorganer - government agency names - Ordtilfanget i nynorske ordlister - new words in Norwegian Nynorsk - Personnemningar til stadnamn i Noreg - words for citizens from particular places in Norway - Geografiske namn - geographical names - Historiske navn - historical names - Administrativ ordliste - administrative wordlist - Forkortinger - abbreviations
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