Marine Geochemistry WMS

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.04.25 00:00
Available languages
the North Sea, Nikkel, copper level, inorganic, geochemistry, copper content, Kvikksølvinnhold, Geokjemi, Tungmetaller, sampling, cadmium, cadmium level, Barents Sea, Krom, Norskehavet, Karbonat, ND_TJ, arsenic, Forurensning, Norsk sokkel, lead level, THC level, Sinkinnhold, Kjemiske elementer, mapping, Svovel, contamination, Miljø, Bly, Kobber, barium content, Krom nivå, barium level, quicksilver level, Kartlegging, chromium, Arsen, mg/kg, mg/kg, Kvikksølv, nickel, Barium, Prøvetaking, Norwegian shelf, Marin, Arsen nivå, Barium nivå, barium, arsenic content, Bariuminnhold, Nikkelinnhold, mud, Miljøtilstandsklasser, Kobberinnhold, Skagerak, zink level, MAREANO, Barentshavet, Kobber nivå, Slam, Kvikksølv nivå, chrome content, arsenic level, zinc content, Sink, mercury content, copper, seabed, Uorganisk, Nikkel nivå, Kadmium nivå, total carbon, Totalkarbon, lead content, Finnmark coast, cadmium content, mercury, Kadmium, chemical elements, THC nivå, Bly nivå, Mareano, Blyinnhold, marine, sea-bed, heavy metal, the Norwegian Sea, Havbunn, nickel level, Finnmark, Finnmark, lead, zink, Sink nivå, nickel content, chrome level, Finnmarkskysten, Sjøbunn, environment, Kadmiuminnhold, Arseninnhold, carbonate, sulphur, classes on the state of the environment, Skagerrak, Nordsjøen, TOC, TOC, Krominnhold
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The map service shows levels of heavy metals and other inorganic environmental indicators in surface sediments, as well as content of mud and TOC, which are important factors for binding and accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments. The term heavy metals includes all metallic elements that have a relatively high specific gravity. Heavy metals are natural constituents of the earth's crust and occur in varying concentrations in most natural materials. In addition, the content of microplastic particles in sediments is shown as one of the important environmental indicators.
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