landscape, Norway, Norge, kontinentalskråning, kontinentalsokkelslette, deep sea plain, marine valley, shallow marine valley, marin, Nature types in Norway, continental slope, landskap, dyphavsslette, grunnmarin dal, Barentshavet, marine, Naturtyper i Norge, NiN, NiN, NGU, NGU, Marint gjel, øy- og sundlandskap, Norskehavet, natur, Archipelago, terrain, marint fjell-landskap, sjøbunn, terreng, Grønlandshavet, MAREANO, MAREANO, the North Sea, marin dal, seabed, Barents Sea, terrengform, strandflate, sea, terrain form, the Norwegian Sea, Nordsjøen, fjord, fjord, marine canyon, Deep-cut fjord, havbunn, hav, strandflat, Nedskåret fjord, continental slope plain, sea-bed, nature, marine hills and mountains