N50 Map Data

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Kartverket

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.24 00:00
Available languages
beredskapsbase, Allmennyttige og offentlige tjenester, Hydrografi, Norge digitalt, N50, N50, fellesDatakatalog, Norway 1:50 000, Felles datakatalog, Geodata Act, Elevation, Norge 1:50000, Kartdata, Administrative units, Norway Digital, Protected sites, Transportnett, Hiking map, Norge, National dataset, Hydrography, 1:50000, 1:50000, geodataloven, Bakgrunnskart, Mainland, M711, M711, 50, Land cover, Stedsnavn, Norway mainland, Turkart, Norway 1:50000, Arealdekke, Norge fastland, Kart over Norge, Høyde, Produksjons- og industrianlegg, Administrative enheter, NSDI data, N 50, N 50, Det offentlige kartgrunnlaget, Transport networks, Bygninger, Kart, Nasjonalt datasett, Utility and governmental services, N50 Map data, Landsdekkende, Vernede områder, Geographical names, Map data, Inspire, Norge 1:50 000, Production and industrial facilities, Buildings, Beredskapsbase, Basis geodata, Vann, 1:50 000, 1:50 000, N50 Kartdata
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Map data customised for the scale range 1:25,000 to 1:100,000. This product has a content corresponding to the paper map series Norway 1:50,000, with the exception of bathymetry (depths). Themes included in the product are land cover (water, soil type, etc.), administrative areas, buildings and facilities, height, restricted areas, transport and communications and place names. N50 Map Data covers mainland Norway and is delimited by the national borders with neighbouring countries and the territorial boundaries in the sea. This product has been cartographically edited with a view to presentation on a scale of 1:50,000.\\n\\nN50 Map Data is updated regularly and distributed weekly.
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