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Dataset description
Land and buildings (real estate cataster) is a uniform for the country, regularly updated collection of information about land, buildings and premises, their owners and other natural or legal persons who control these lands, buildings and premises.
The cadastral map is an element of the state geodetic and cardographic resource and is carried out at the level of counties.
It is conducted in different scales 1:500 to 1:5000 depending on the content density for the whole country.
The contents of the cadastral map are the following elements:
1) Limits:
States, units of basic three-stage territorial division of the State, cadastral units, divisions, parcels, 2) marking of border points, distinguishing points, the location of which has been determined in the appropriate manner and with the required accuracy, among them — points permanently stabilised in the field, 3) contours of land areas and their designation, 4) contours of soil classes and their designation, 5) contours of buildings, 6) numbers of cadastral parcels, 7) boundaries of statistical areas and their designation, 8) descriptive and informational data, and in particular:
a) the names of the units of the main three-stage territorial division of the state, b) the designation of the cadastral unit and the perimeter, c) the names of streets, squares, gala, watercourses, reservoirs and other physiographic objects, d) public road numbers assigned on the basis of regulations on public roads, e) order and registration numbers of buildings.
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