Register of localities, streets and addresses, municipality of Nowiny (260417, impa)

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Provided by Geo-System

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.02.02 00:00
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Dataset description

The register of street towns and addresses is kept in Geo-System Sp. z o.o.'s IT system (internet managing contact points) and contains: the names of the localities and the location data of these localities from the national register of geographical names, the names of the streets and squares and the location data of these streets and squares locality, street and square identifiers from the national register of the official territorial division of the country additional traditional names of towns, streets and squares in the minority language if the circumstances referred to in Article 12 of the Act of 6 January 2005 on national and ethnic minorities and on the regional language (Dz. Journal of Laws No 17, item 141, and No 62, item 550, and Official Gazette 2009, No 31, item 206, and No 157, item (1241) address details identifying the serial numbers of residential buildings and other buildings intended for the permanent or temporary stay of persons, including in particular buildings: Offices, open to the public, used for cultural and physical purposes, educational purposes, hospitals and medical care and intended for economic activities, built, under construction and forecast for construction, postcodes and the location of buildings in the national spatial reference system
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