Download service for the “Noise Directive” collection (DF4 and DF8): Strategic acoustic maps of agglomerations — industry, LN indicator, 2017" (WFS)
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Get early access to Download service for the “Noise Directive” collection (DF4 and DF8): Strategic acoustic maps of agglomerations — industry, LN indicator, 2017" (WFS) API!
Noise Directive download service (DF4 and DF8): Strategic acoustic maps of agglomerations — industry, LN indicator, 2017’. The service provides acoustic maps for agglomerations with a population of more than 100 people. The data contain information on areas exposed to a specific noise level from industry for the LN indicator (night noise indicator). The data was compiled by city presidents with a population of more than 100. The data were reported to the European Commission in 2017, in accordance with Directive 2002/49/EC (DF 4 and DF 8) — the Noise Directive. The data submitted to the European Commission was updated in October 2018. The service uses the WFS OGC 2.0 interface. The service allows direct access to objects.
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