Flood hazard maps and flood risk maps

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.01.10 00:00
Available languages
Strefy ryzyka, Powódź, Ryzyko powodziowe, Inspire, Element narażony, Zagrożenie powodziowe
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Flood Hazard Maps and Flood Risk Maps are a set of spatial information developed for areas exposed to the flood hazard identified in the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (WORP). The part concerning the Flood Risk Maps presents: areas where the probability of flood occurrence is low and amounts to once every 500 years (Q 0.2%), areas where the probability of flood occurrence is medium and amounts to once every 100 years (Q 1%), areas where the probability of flood occurrence is high and amounts to once every 10 years (Q 10%), areas covering areas exposed to flooding in the event of destruction or damage of flood embankment or anti-storm shaft on a selected section, water depth, water velocities and water flow directions (for voivodship cities and cities with poviat rights and other cities with a population of over 100,000 people), maximum ordinates of the water table, flood embankments, ordinates of flood embankments. The part on Flood Risk Maps presents: number of people at risk of flooding, values ​​of potential flood losses, residential buildings, objects of special social significance, historic buildings, protected areas (water intakes, water intakes, bathing areas, nature conservation areas), potential outbreaks of pollution water exposed to flooding in the event of a flood with a certain probability of occurrence. The set of spatial information is saved in the form of vector thematic layers.
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