Air Quality Map — Malveira Sensor Measurement

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Provided by Agência para a Modernização Administrativa

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.25 00:00
Available languages
dadosabertos-cascais-pt, sensor, malveira, qualidade-do-ar
Quality scoring

Dataset description

ID dataset: AE03 Descriptive: Air quality index, from particle measurement, classified in accordance with current legislation (Directive 2008/50/EC of 21 May | Decree-Law No 102/2010 of 23 September | Directive 2015/1480 of 24 August | Decree-Law No 43/2015 of 27 March | Decree-Law No 47/2017 of 10 May). The calculation is based on the daily arithmetic averages (relative to the previous day) of the pollutants measured in the air quality network sensors. QA0NO2 — Nitrogen dioxide (NO2); QA00O3 — Ozone (O3); QAPM25 — Particles (PM2.5); QAPM10 — Particles (PM10); QA0SO2 — Sulphur dioxide (SO2); QA00CO — Carbon monoxide (CO); RULAEQ — Relative Humidity (dBA); ME00PA — Pressure (Mbar); ME00HR — Humidity (%); METEMP — Temperature (°C); ME00VI — Wind speed (km/h); ME00VD — Wind direction (°); ME00PP — Precipitation (mm), Classification of the obtained values: *Scale of variation: “Very good” | “Good” | “Middle” | “Fraco” | “Mau”. “Very Good” — PM10: from 0 to 20 | PM2.5: from 0 to 10 | NO2: from 0 to 40 | O3: from 0 to 80 “Good” — 1PM10: from 21 to 35 | PM2.5: from 11 to 20 | NO2: from 41 to 100 | O3: from 81 to 100 “Medium” — 1PM10: from 36 to 50 | PM2.5: from 21 to 25 | NO2: from 101 to 100 | O3: from 101 to 180 “Fraco” — 1PM10: from 51 to 100 | PM2.5: from 26 to 50 | NO2: from 201 to 400 | O3: from 181 to 240 “Mau” — 1PM10: from 101 to 1200 | PM2.5: from 51 to 800 | NO2: from 401 to 1000 | O3: from 241 to 600 The classes defined above consider the main pollutants provided for in European legislation, as well as by the World Health Organisation, and are in perfect alignment with the national air quality strategy. Considerations of the European Standard: If no observation is available for any of the parameters (on date) = -99.0; Inoperative station = -88.0; Extreme values of maximum and minimum (to be defined) = -77.0; Other Anomalies (if justified) = -66.0. Time period: may 2021 — present. If you have detected an anomaly or want to leave a suggestion to improve the dataset, make us arrive at your assessment:
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