Dataset information
Available languages
em-vigor, snig-dgterritorio-gov-pt, cartografia-oficial, dgt, infomapaccessservice, srup, eaf, planeamento-e-cadastro, nacional, especies-agricolas-e-florestais, area-management-restriction-regulation-zones-and-reporting-units, infofeatureaccessservice
Dataset description
Servitude and Restriction of Public Utility (SRUP) — Agricultural and Forest Species, in force in Continental Portugal.
The Agricultural and Forest Species (Azinheiras, Olives and Sobreiros) constitute a servitude and restriction of public utility, being inserted within the scope of natural resources.
The Portuguese olive grove is, in all agricultural activities, a heritage of very high value that is important to preserve.
The grubbing and shallow cutting of olive stands may only be carried out with prior authorisation granted by the regional agricultural directorates, within their respective areas of activity. No prior authorisation is required for the grubbing or cutting of isolated olive trees.
Cork oak stands and holm oak stands, namely the agrosilvopastoril systems known as “mountados”, include some of the most important biotopes occurring in mainland Portugal in terms of nature conservation, performing, by their adaptation to the soil and soil and climatic conditions of the south of the country, an important role in soil conservation, regularisation of the hydrological cycle and water quality, while these species represent a renewable resource of extreme economic importance, at national and local level.
The legal regime for the protection of cork oak and holm oak provides that the cutting or grubbing of cork oaks and holm oaks, in stands or isolated, requires authorisation, introduces the use of compensatory measures in the case of authorised cuts and replacement in the case of illegal cuts, in order to ensure that the area of those species is not affected, and inhibits land use for 25 years for other purposes, in cases where the stands are destroyed or heavily depreciated by illegal intervention.
Stands of cork oaks, holm oaks or mixed oaks are plant formations with an area greater than 0.50 ha and, in the case of structures, with a width of more than 20 m, where there is the presence of cork oaks or holm oaks, whether or not associated with each other or with other species, whose density is higher than the minimum values laid down in the law.
This legal regime for the protection of cork oak and holm oak also applies to plant formations with an area of 0.50 ha or less and, in the case of linear structures, to those with an area greater than 0.50 ha and width of 20 m or less, where cork oaks or holm oaks associated or not associated with each other or with other species, the density of which meets the minimum values defined for stands, show high ecological value, assessed according to parameters approved by the public entity responsible for the area of Forest Resources.
The geographical information provided through the respective web services was produced by DGT and other official entities, from information legally deposited in the National Territorial Information System (SNIT) regarding the delimitation of serfdom of Azinheiras, Oliveiras and Sobreiros.
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