Socio-cultural objects

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of Slovak Republic

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.12.06 00:00
Available languages
obranný val,, Rekreácia, hradba, Tribúna, Tenisový kurt, Ihrisko, Zakryté skladisko, Atrakcia v zábavnom parku, požiarna nádrž, chatrč, Opevnenie, Dostihové a iné dráhy, kríž, Božie muky, Verejné a štátne služby, Pomník, Bazén, Veža, Zrub, Budova, Plot, búda, Amfiteáter, aquaparku, Sociálno-kultúrne objekty
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The data set of Social and Cultural Objects (SKO) is part of one of the categories ZBGIS — Anthropogenic Elements — Culture (AP-K). The SKO data set contains semi-descriptive objects created by human activities in the field of social and cultural objects, i.e. civic amenities. These include classes of objects: The amphitheatre; Attraction in the amusement park, aquapark; Swimming pool, fire tank; The torments of God, the cross. The building; Horse racing and other tracks; The playground; Fortification, wall, defensive wall; The fence; The monument; Tennis court; The tribune; The tower; Covered storage; Log cabin, hut, shed. Objects are represented by vector spatial component and descriptive component, which contains qualitative and quantitative information defined in the ZBGIS Object Class Catalogue (KTO ZBGIS) available at
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