Municipalities of the Slovak Republic

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.10.08 11:23
Available languages
číselníky, štatistika
Quality scoring

Dataset description

In the last position of the number code of the municipality there is a check number. For statistical purposes, the dial is expanded to include headings 999999-Foreign (if only country information is known, the municipality is not identified) and 599999-ZÚJ abroad (generally representing an undetermined municipality abroad). The minister of this spatial unit is the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, the principal of the codes is the ŠÚ SR. The names of the municipalities do not distinguish, for technical reasons, a dash (‘long dash’) and a hyphen (‘short dash’). The text “urban part” (or its abbreviation “m. no.”) and the accompanying gaps to the dash are deleted in the abbreviated names of the city districts of Bratislava and Košice. The official wording of the titles is published in the legislation below. The dial contains the names of the municipalities in the language of the national minority. The names of the municipalities in the Rusyn and Ukrainian languages are written in Latin. The indication of these names is purely informative, it does not specify the obligation to designate municipalities in the language of national minorities. In the note to the headings of the dial is: — district code according to CIS0048 (new district), — code of former district according to CIS0041, — county code according to CIS0049, — area code according to CIS0054, — territorial district code of the Ministry of Interior according to CIS0045 (gestor Prochádzková), — municipal code of the registry office according to CIS0089 (gestor Prochádzková), — sign of town, where 1=town (gestor Prochádzková), code LŠÚJ2 (LAU2/NUTS5) according to CIS0025, — population density according to CIS2302 (gestor Kotlár), — village size according to CIS2303 (gestor Kotlár), — type of village according to CIS2301 (gestor Kotlár), — degree of urbanisation according to CIS0021 (gestor Kotlár; updated 20.7.2009). The list of municipalities with the status of the city is in the dial 0090. Legislation: Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No 191/1994 Coll. on the designation of municipalities in the language of national minorities and Government Regulation No 534/2011 Coll. Decree of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic No 597/2002 Coll., which publishes the statistical dial of counties, the statistical dial of districts and the statistical dial of municipalities. Effectiveness 1. 1. 2003. Slovak Government Regulation No 455/2010 on the abolition of the Javorina Military District.
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