Sectoral classification of economic activities, all levels, version 1991-2006

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.10.08 11:24
Available languages
štatistika, číselníky
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Dataset description

Code for the Register of Organisations. The code number in the item note is the converter to the dial 5503. Sectoral classification of economic activities from 1. 1. 2007 replaced the Classification of Economic Activities SK NACE Rev. 2. Note: The dial was created on the basis of the version of OKEČ 1991, it was updated according to the 1994 and OKEČ 2003. In order to maintain the continuity of the dial items, there are the following differences between the 2003 version and the dial: Difference in title: 80.22.1 OF 2008: Secondary Technical and Vocational Education Number: Middle Vocational Teachings Difference in the title: 80.22.2 OF 2008: Middle Professional Teachers Number: Other Secondary Technical and Vocational Education Legislation: Notification of the Federal Statistical Office on the implementation of the sectoral classification of economic activities No 3161 of 16. 10. 1991. Effectiveness is from 1. 11. 1991. ŠÚ SR measure 236/1993 laying down classifications, dials and registers in the field of state statistics. Canceled to 1. 4. 2010. SO SR Measure 140/1994 introducing 1st revision of the Sectoral Classification of Economic Activities. Effectiveness is from 1. 1. 1995 to 1. 1. 2003. Rapporteur of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, amount 5/1995, part of the notification: The gear key between the AEN and the 1st revision; I. supplement to the publication of OKEČ, part. II. — Explanations. Rapporteur of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, amount 3/1997: Notice of the Ministry of the Slovak Republic of 4. 7. 1997 number 1035/1997-01 on the amendment of the name of Category I and Section 64 of the NACE Code. Decree of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic No. 552/2002 Coll., which issues the statistical sectoral classification of economic activities. Efficiency from 1. 1. 2003 to 1. 1. 2008. Until 31. 12. In 1994, the content of the following items was as follows: 15891 Manufacture of egg products 15892 Manufacture of yeast and vinegar 15893 Processing of honey 24701 Manufacture of cellulose fibres 24702 Manufacture of synthetic fibres 51380 Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 51390 Other professional wholesale of food including fish, crustaceans and molluscs 60240 Other land transport persons 74150 Securities report
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