80. Monitoring the completion of the denationalisation process — state of play on 30. 9. 2022

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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reševanje denacionalizacije, denacionalizacija zadev, denacionalizacija
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By the 80th monitoring of the completion of the denationalisation process, 31 administrative units completed the procedures in full, with all cases finally closed. At the first stage of decision-making, four administrative units have completed all cases at first instance (they still have some cases in an appeal or administrative dispute), and the proceedings are pending before another 23 administrative units. The Ministry of Culture, which decides at first instance on the denationalisation of objects protected under the regulations on the protection of cultural heritage, has 12 pending cases at first instance and 11 cases in the appeal. Nothing has been resolved in the last three months. The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, which decides at first instance on the recovery of property protected under nature conservation regulations, has two pending cases at first instance and 3 cases in the appeal; it has also not ruled on any matter in the last three months. A total of 39,715 denationalisation claims were submitted to all administrative bodies at the first instance of decision-making (administrative units, MK, MOP and MF) — the last application was assigned to UE Ljubljana by the court in July 2022 (more than 30 years after the entry into force of the Denationalisation Act). 39,615 cases were finally closed, which represents 99.75 % of the total number of cases filed. There are still 100 pending cases, of which there are 57 pending cases at first instance (administrative units 43 cases, Ministry of Culture 12 cases and Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2 cases), and there are a total of 43 cases on appeal at second instance and at the administrative and supreme courts. The second-instance ministries resolved 12 denationalisation cases over a period of three months. A total of 9 denationalisation cases are pending in the second instance.
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