Analysis of the War in Slovenia

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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vloga EU, ekonomsko vojskovanje, osamosvajanje Slovenije, državna varnost, nevojaški pogled na vojno, trenutni problemi nacionalne varnosti, ki zadevajo postsocialistične države, POLICIJA, pravica naroda so samoodločbe, ekonomska obramba, ekonomsko, vloga informacij in propagande, odnos med državo in vojsko, neoboroženi upori, DRŽAVNA VARNOST, podoba državne obrambe, mitologija vojne z zgodovinskega vidika, spremembe v temeljnih družbenih odnosih, študija mednarodnega varnostnega okolja, pogled na psihološko obrambo, VOJSKA, MIR, OBRAMBA, obrambna merila na nacionalni politični ravni, razpad socialističnega sistema, vojna v Sloveniji, VOJNA, vpletenost drugih jugoslovanskih republik, vojni ujetniki, tranzicija v sistem političnega pluralisma
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The war in Slovenia represents the final phase of two processes, namely the process of independence of Slovenia from Yugoslavia on the basis of the right of the nation to self-determination and the process of changing fundamental relations in society, i.e. the transition of society from a socialist system to a system of political pluralism and market economy. The first process represents a group of factors, such as the absence of territorial claims by other Yugoslav republics towards Slovenia. The second group is subjective, such as the biscitarian determination of leaders to the goals of independence and the preparation for securing the right to self-determination, including by violent factors. The war in Slovenia has cut into the cultural-civilisation essence of Slovenia and in this sense represents a certain discontinuity in relation to previous periods. The project focused on exploring the impact of international factors on the course of war in Slovenia in 1991, the defence policy of the Republic of Slovenia during the independence of the state, economic warfare during independence, the psychosocial role of the human factor in war, and the role of the Slovenian police in the treatment of prisoners of war. The project also produced a chronological inventory of events before, during and after the war in Slovenia and a bibliographic subproject 1987-1994 on the subject of war in Slovenia. Due to financial shortcomings, the research team did not carry out the last part of the survey, but this did not change the purpose and objectives of the research as initially set.
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