Citizens’ views on the development of the road network in Slovenia 1970

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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prioritete razvoja glede na geografsko lego krajev, fatalizem, uporaba prevoznih sredstev, solidarnost, navezanost na kraj, samoprispevek, smeri gradenj avtocest, vrednote, avto (vozni park), DRUŽBENA MOBILNOST, VARNOST V CESTNEM PROMETU, financiranje graditve cest, konformizem, ekološki vidik graditve cest, funkcionalni pomen cest, varnost v prometu, javni promet in oddaljenost kraja anketiranca, OKOLJSKO NAČRTOVANJE, CESTA, cestna kriza, PROMETNA VARNOST, cestno omrežje v Sloveniji, vzorci druženja, bencinski davek, dnevne migracije, potovanja v tujino, VARSTVO OKOLJA, družbeni pomen cest, stanovanjski standard, CESTNI PROMET, samozavest, prostočasne dejavnosti, financiranje gradnje avtocest, vozniške navade, kulturne aktivnosti, aktivizem, pomen gradnje avtocest, ZADOVOLJSTVO, KAKOVOST OKOLJA, DRUŽBENA STALIŠČA
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Dataset description

The majority the questions relate only to the title topic, but in the end we also find some interesting questions about personal beliefs and cultural beliefs the activities. The respondents expressed their views on social, functional, ecological, transport importance of roads. This was followed by road safety issues; how important it is to them it seems what affects it and how it would be improved. A lot of questions it refers to mobility in Slovenia. In terms of values are questions that measure the degree of conformism and fatalism interviewed and free time activities. The Demographic issues (including ownership, type and the age of the car is closing the questionnaire.
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