Climate change: Daily peak temperature projections, daily data, RCP8.5 scenario, resolution 0.125°

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"podnebne spremembe, podnebje, projekcije, Slovenija"
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Dataset description

The database contains a time series of daily data on climate projections of the daily highest air temperature in the period 1981-2100 for the scenario of greenhouse gas emissions RCP8.5 above Slovenia in the correct grid, resolution 0.125°. Simulations of six regional climate models are available for the RCP8.5 scenario. The simulations are the result of regional models of the EURO-CORDEX project. Their resolution is 0.11°. The data are corrected according to measurements in Slovenia in the period 1981-2010 (the so-called bias correction). Find out more about the EURO-CORDEX project through additional links. The data is in NetCDF format files, which are divided into 30-year periods due to their size. There are four files available for each model. Each 30-year period is marked with the year of the last year of the period. Model projection files have names that contain information about the name of the variable, models, projection time, version, etc. separated by underscores. The components of the names are: variable name (tasmax: daily maximum air temperature), model resolution (12 km: 0.125°), the name of the global climate model that gave marginal conditions to the regional, abbreviated greenhouse gas emissions scenario (rcp85: RCP8.5), ensemble parameters (e.g. r1i1p1), regional climate model name, projection version, projection time step (day: 1 day) and start and end dates of the projection (as YYYYMMDD where YYYY is year, MM month and DD day). The model results represent the physically possible states of the climate system in the future relative to the day, which in this case is the path of greenhouse gas concentration. As greenhouse gas concentrations cannot be predicted, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its fifth report from 2014 produced four plausible scenarios for it, given the socio-economic evolution of humanity in the future. Since model results differ from one another and each of them represents a possible state of the climate, their results must be statistically processed. The differences between them form the basis for assessing the uncertainty of the projections. A summary of analyses of climate change by the end of the century in Slovenia can be found among additional links. There is also the first synthesis report on climate change in Slovenia, which contains a more detailed description of the methodology and results of climate projections. About climate projections are discussed in Chapter 1, on regional climate models, Chapter 3.2, and on the correction of errors or bias of models Chapter 4.3. One of the options for working with NetCDF files (extraction, aggregation, etc.) is the CDO program. Reading and statistical processing on NetCDF files are also possible with the statistical package R, especially its ncdf4 and raster packages. Links to CDO and R programs can be found in additional links.
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