Cultural disadvantage and schooling of young people

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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problemi v osebnem življenju posameznika (v ožjem okolju, v velenjski občini ali širši družbi), vključenost v organizacije in organe, ZADOVOLJSTVO, odnos do dela, vplivi na družbene spremembe v svojem okolju, narodnost staršev, ZADOVOLJSTVO NA DELOVNEM MESTU, zadovoljstvo s šolanjem na srednji šoli, dohodek, vpliv staršev, šole, poklicne svetovalnice in drugih pri posameznikovi izbiri poklica, izobrazba staršev, ZAPOSLOVANJE MLADIH, VREDNOTA, preživljanje prostega čas, zadovoljstvo s poklicem, samoaktualizacija oziroma možnosti izražanja idej in sposobnosti v poklicu, PROSTOČASNA DEJAVNOST, ustreznost delovnega mesta glede na doseženo izobrazbo, kulturna opremljenost posameznikovega doma (radio, televizija, slovarji, leksikoni, fotoaparat, umet, prejemanje štipendije, MLADOST, stališča o delu kot vrednoti, DRUŽBENA STALIŠČA, NAPREDOVANJE, pomembnost vrednot za posameznika
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Dataset description

The survey included the entire generation of young people who completed primary school in the municipality of Velenje in 1977. The researchers opted for this generation because it was the oldest generation for which the employment community had collected documentation and because after seven years, this generation advanced enough in school and occupation to get information about schooling, employment and career progression. The research is carried out in the context of a broader project “Velenje 2000”. The aim of the research is to guide development according to people’s needs and aspirations. The questions relate to the individual’s education after primary school, self-actualisation during schooling and later in the profession, the adequacy of employment in terms of education and income, satisfaction with the profession, housing issues, as well as questions about values, leisure time, the cultural equipment of the home, opinions on attitudes and problems experienced by individuals in personal life, in a narrow or wider environment.
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