Elderly Personnel in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Slovenia

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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poznavanje slovenskega vojaškega izrazoslovja, DRŽAVNA VARNOST, zdravstveno stanje in psiho-fizična kondicija za delo, članstvo v političnih strankah, zadovoljstvo z usposabljanjem v rezervni sestavi, mir v Evropi, pričakovanja od dobrega častnika, MIR, mnenje o statusu vojaškega poklica, ponosen rezervni vojaški starešina, odločitev za rezervnega oficirja, komandirja oddelkov, opredelitev naloge armade, zadovoljstvo s sistemom napredovanja, MIROVNE SILE, stališče o deležu poklicnih vojakov, samoizpolnjevanje pričakovanj, strinjanje z demilitarizacijo Slovenije ali oblikovanjem vojske RS, stališče o tveganju in žrtvovanju, MEDNARODNA POLITIKA, zaslužen čin, ocena lastne vojaške usposobljenosti, reagiranje družine ob odločitvi opravljanja vojaške službe, predsodki o sodelovanju žensk v vojski, mnenje o vojaški varnosti, ogrožanje varnosti, mnenje o služenju vojaškega roka, mnenje o najbolj zaželenem cilju v Sloveniji, mnenje o potrebni pomoči častnikov JLA, razmerje med stalno armado in rezervo, obiskovanje verskih obredov, zadovoljstvo z delom, pogoji dela, pripravljenost za vključitve v redno vojaško službo, STALIŠČE, VREDNOTA, VOJSKA, mnenje o vlogi vojske pri političnih odločitvah
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Dataset description

For the needs of the Republic Secretariat for People’s Defence, the Defence Research Centre carried out a survey of “relief personnel in the armed forces of the Republic of Slovenia”. The subject of the research was the interest in the professional performance of command duties in the Slovenian army. This is the identification of factors that, within individual categories of respondents, determine the motivation for the military profession and the elements of the value system that define the attitude towards the army and the military profession. The research is mainly applied in nature. In addition, it is about identifying the most important factors that determine motivation for the military profession: professional and social status and elements of the value system (values, perception of sources of threat, expectations of the role of the army in modern society). The research also provided empirical material for scientific research approach to the study of the military profession in modern postures and serves as a starting point for comparative study of the issues of the military profession and for inclusion in international research projects. The questionnaire contains forty questions in five thematic sections (positions on peace, security and the role of the army; the armed forces of the Republic of Slovenia; the status of the military profession; status of the reserve elder; ready to join the Slovenian army).
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