Eurobarometer 67.1

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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pošiljanje denarja sorodnikom, RAZVOJNA POMOČ (MEDNARODNA), krepitev kulture, DRUŽBENA IZKLJUČENOST, pomoč brezdomcem, življenje ljudi v pomanjkanju, REVŠČINA, JAVNO MNENJE, dostopnost kulutre, kakovost življenja, skupni mesečni dohodek gospodinjstva, ocena finančnega stanja gospodinjstva, podporne institucije, revščina, pripravljenost učiti se tujih jezikov, pomembnost kulture, postati brezdomec, ohranjanje vrednot, STANOVANJSKA MOBILNOST, poznavanje ljudi evropskih držav, Evropsko soglasje o razvoju, otroci, Razvojni cilji novega tisočletja, navezanost na določena območja, opremljenost gospodinjstva, evropska kultura, finančna situacija v gospodinjstvu, evropska razvojna pomoč, socialna izključenost, prednostno obravnavenje ukrepov pomoči, kulturne izmenjave, selitev v drugo državo, dobro počutje otrok, DRUŽBENE VREDNOTE, kultura in umetnost, poosebljanje vrednot, dodana vrednost EU, področja razvojne pomoči, EVROPSKA UNIJA, kulturne aktivnosti, uporaba interneta, zadovoljstvo z življenjem, sorodniki v drugi državi, življenjski standard, razlog selitve, življenjski pogoji, ovire pri preselitvi v tujino, življenje v tujini
Quality scoring

Dataset description

In this round, the Eurobarometer survey resigns from the standard Eurobarometer criteria, it asks respondents on the following topics: (1) cultural values, (2) poverty and social exclusion, (3) development aid; and (4) Housing mobility. In the first part of the research focusing on cultural values respondents answered questions relating to the importance and importance of culture; their interest and participation in cultural activities and their national identity. Respondents also recognised the cultural values of Europe as well as those of other countries. the importance and promotion of cultural exchange and the question of whether to learn a foreign the language. In the next theme, respondents assessed their personal financial situation. and staying near their homes. They also figure out why people fall into poverty. are they excluded from society? Respondents also wondered why people become homeless people, what is the probability of becoming homeless on their own and whether they help the homeless? The respondents assessed the quality of their lives and determined their needs in achieving decent living conditions for themselves and their children. In the third theme of the research respondents assessed their knowledge of the development aid plan, the European Consensus on development and the Millennium Development Goals. The respondents also defined the motivation of the countries. they provide development aid and have added value to the EU and express their views on which organisations should have the greatest impact on development aid priorities, which countries and issues should be identified as those that need the most attention and help. The last thematic question set in the survey relates to housing mobility and asking respondents about their relocations, the reasons for moving or not moving, countries to which they intend to relocate, preparations for relocation (including problems with which they may meet) and the duration of their stay in the place. Demographic and other relevant data they also include age, gender, nationality, birth (personal and parental), marital status, left-right political self-determination, occupation, age at completion of education, household composition, ownership of a fixed or mobile phone and other permanent ones the goods. The data also include the type and size of the settlement, the region of residence and language of interview.
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