Dataset information
Available languages
delo na črno, nezakonito prejemanje dohodka, EVROPSKA UNIJA, plačevanje za storitve neprijavljene dejavnosti, pričakovana življenjska doba, evro kovanci, dolgotrajna oskrba osebe, Evropska politika sosedstev, kupovanje izdelkov neprijavljene dejavnosti, ponarejeni kovanci, Evropska Unija, zdravstvene storitve, RAZVOJNA POMOČ (MEDNARODNA), evropska razvojna pomoč, zaslužek, oblike plačila, DRUŽBENE VREDNOTE, DELO NA ČRNO, odvisnost ostarelih ljudi od drugih, finančni stroški, JAVNO MNENJE, obiskovanje zdravnika, zaposlitev, zdravstvene težave, otroci, DOSTOP DO ZDRAVSTVENIH STORITEV, starši, plačano delo, mejne države EU, skrb za starejše, pomoč ostarelim ljudem, vsakodnevne aktivnosti
Dataset description
This Eurobarometer performance differs from the standard Eurobarometer survey in
the following specific topics: (1) health, dependence of elderly people on long-term care, (2) undeclared work, (3) European attitude
Union to neighbouring countries and development assistance, (4) euro coins. As part of the first special theme, respondents were asked to assess
their health, life expectancy, or are typically limited in certain daily responsibilities and to present
their experience in health services, including access to them and costs. In addition, respondents were asked to
identify those in need of long-term care to share their opinion and experience in planning and implementing long-term care
for the elderly, including the cost of nursing, to assess the risks of abuse to which dependent elderly people are exposed;
and to assess the need to care for themselves in the future. In the context of another specific theme, on undeclared work, respondents are
asked to share their knowledge about people’s work cases without declaring income to tax or social security institutions
and the characteristics and reasons for this kind of activity by those most likely to do so. Respondents also assessed the risk.
for the disclosure of non-declaration of income that may result in potential financial penalties and expected sanctions by law enforcement authorities
in response to a certain amount of undeclared income. In the survey, respondents were also asked about services and products that
they have been purchased from individuals or groups associated with undeclared work. The questionnaire included, among other things,
questions about undeclared payments and the proportion of total annual income that the respondent is expected to receive from his employer.
Respondents were also asked about their opinion on this type of practice, and they also identified the form and frequency of
participation in undeclared work, income from this work, the reasons for this work, for whom they worked and the consequences
of undeclared work. They also assessed the legitimacy of such conduct relating to public and private economic transactions.
With the following specific theme, the survey assessed respondents’ knowledge of which countries they intend to join the European Union.
which countries border the European Union and what is Europe’s direction for neighbouring countries? The survey attempted to obtain
information on development aid, the relationship between the European Union and neighbouring countries and the importance of problems affecting the relationship,
including the provision of economic assistance. Respondents also shared their views on development aid provided by the European Union
it ensures the poor, the effectiveness of the delivery of aid through each individual member or European Commission, which donor
it provides the largest aid to developing countries and which are the priorities of the European Union in the distribution of development aid. As part of
the latest specific topics were answered by respondents on their knowledge of both sides of the euro coins and on authenticity
the value of individual coins. They had to describe their experience in accepting a counterfeit, a non-euro coin or a coin.
a similar subject and express an opinion on the national sides of the coins, which differ in each country of the European Union.
The demographic strand included questions about the respondent’s age, life expectancy, gender, nationality, birth
location (respondent’s and respondent’s parents), on marital status, political self-determination of left-right, occupation, age
upon completion of education, household composition, ownership of a fixed and mobile phone and other durable goods,
the type and size of the settlement, the region of residence and the language of the interview. The respondents also received information on
the size of their family, including the number of children born, the age of their parents, the accommodation situation of their child
or parents, including distance to the respondent’s residence. The survey collected information on the employment sector, where
the respondent is currently working, the number of employees in the respondent’s company, the net income and the number of weekly hours worked with
the formal employment.
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