Eurobarometer 68.1

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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prepričevanje ostalih o svojem stališču, zadovoljstvo z delovanjem demokracije v Evropski uniji, skupna zunanja in varnostna politika, zadovoljstvo z delovanjem demokracije v Sloveniji, prednostne obravnave Evropskega parlamenta, DRUŽBENE VREDNOTE, zaupanje v institucije, ugled EU, razumevanje delovanja EU, poslanci v Evropskem parlamentu, navezanost na določena območja, pričakovanja za prihodnost, spremljanje množičnih medijev, JAVNO MNENJE, pogovori o političnih zadevah, prihodnost EU, obveščenost o evropskih političnih zadevah, članstvo v EU, množični medji in Evropski parlament, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, okrepitev EU, EVROPSKI PARLAMENT, moč odločanja institucij EU, evropske volitve, Slovenija predsednica Sveta Evropske Unije, ugled Evropskega parlamenta, odločitve nacionalne vlade, vloga Evropske Unije, institucije Evropske unije, vloga Evropskega parlamenta, primerjava stanja Slovenije in EU, zadovoljstvo z življenjem, zaupanje evropskim institucijam, VOLITVE V EVROPSKI PARLAMENT, evropske odločitve, EVROPSKA UNIJA, poznavanje Evropskega parlamenta
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This Eurobarometer exercise asks respondents about standard Eurobarometer indicators; for example, how satisfied they are with their present life, or have tried to persuade people close to them to share their views on topics on which they have a strong opinion, whether political matters have been discussed, what goals their country should have and how they view the need for social change. Additional questions focused on the respondent’s knowledge and opinion on the European Union (EU), including how well they feel to be informed about the EU, what sources of information about the EU they use, whether their country benefits from membership within the EU and the extent of their personal interest in EU matters. Another major reflection of the survey focused on the European Parliament (EP) and the use of the media. In the first specific theme, respondents replied to questions about how well informed and educated they felt and their opinions. about the EP, including their image and role. In addition, they had to identify the date of the European elections that would take place in the their country, the number of MEPs from their country sitting in the European Parliament and whose policies and values should defend Parliament as a priority. In another special theme, respondents recognised television the channels they watch regularly, the radio stations they listen to regularly, at least five times a week, the daily newspapers they read regularly and websites they visit regularly, at least three times a week. The demographic strand included questions about the respondent’s age, gender; nationality, birthplace (respondent’s and respondent’s parents), marital status, political self-determination of left-right, occupation, age at completion of education, household composition, ownership of a fixed or mobile phone and other durable goods, type and the size of the settlement, the region of residence and the language of the interview.
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