Eurobarometer 68.2

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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paket komunikacijskih storitev, financiranje kmetijstva in razvoja podeželja, prejemanje neželene elektronske pošte, virusov, vohunskih okužb, poznavanje evropske oznake, plačevanje televizijskih storitev, VARSTVO OKOLJA, uporaba javnih telefonskih govorilnic, ponudniki interneta, pomembnost evropskega kmetijstva in podeželja, EVROPSKA UNIJA, subvencioniranje kmetov, uporaba mobilnega telefona, INFORMACIJSKE IN KOMUNIKACIJSKE TEHNOLOGIJE, JAVNO MNENJE, ponudniki mobilne telefonije, poznavanje Skupne kmetijske politike, storitve stacionarne telefonije, odločanje, internetni dostop, upravljalci stacionarne telefonije, poznavanje telefonske številke službe za nujne primere, koristi mobilnega telefona, korupcija v EU, poznavanje okoljstvenih problemov, zaupanje virom o kmetijstvu in kmetijski politiki, osebna vključenost v zaščito okolja, dostop do televizije, mnenje o zaščiti okolja, KMETIJSKA POLITIKA, okolje, KORUPCIJA, KOMUNIKACIJE, korupcija, uporaba stacionarnega telefona, civilno pravosodje, odgovornost kmetov, dostopnost IKT v gospodinjstvu, stališča do politik EU
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This Eurobarometer performance differs from standard Eurobarometer indicators and asks respondents about the following important topics: (1) Policies and decision-making in the European Union, (2) corruption, (3) civil justice, (4) e-communications, (5) agriculture, (6) environmental protection. In the context of European policies and decisions, respondents answered questions about whether more decisions should be taken at EU level on the following topics: asylum and migration policy, the exchange of police and legal data between Member States, the fight against organised crime and trafficking in human beings, the fight against drug abuse, the control of the EU’s external borders, the fight against terrorism and the promotion and protection of fundamental rights, including children’s rights. Respondents answered which three topics should be prioritised for/for the EU, which topics they consider to be well-known and which they would like to learn better about. The third theme asked how much they agree or disagree with the claim that corruption is a major problem in their country and how much they agree or disagree with the claim that corruption is the main problem in local, regional, national and European institutions. They also answered questions about bribery, the extent to which they believe it is widespread among institutions/individuals. They also answered questions about how much they agree or disagree with the claim that in Slovenia the majority of corruption is caused by organised crime and who they see as responsible for this situation. The third group asked if the respondents had ever been involved in civil court proceedings in an EU Member State other than Slovenia and what their views on civil justice in the EU (except Slovenia). They replied if they felt that additional measures should be taken to help citizens access civil justice in another EU Member State other than the country of residence. The survey also enquired whether they consider that civil and commercial judicial proceedings should be harmonised in the EU, whether convictions in one Member State should be fully valid in another Member State, which they consider to be difficulties in initiating proceedings in other Member States, whether the EU is obliged to interfere in compliance with civil law decisions of a court in proceedings between two Member States, and whether they see an advantage in accessing civil law proceedings in another Member State via the internet. In the fourth theme, e-communications, they were responsible for the ability to have television, a fixed telephone, a mobile phone and the Internet. They said why they had certain services or not, but they were also responsible for accessing them. Questions related to the use of public telephones and their knowledge of emergency telephone numbers. They also responded about their satisfaction with these services and assessed the performance of the providers on the basis of features such as price, tariffs and flexibility in changing invoices. In the fifth part of the questionnaire, respondents answered questions related to agriculture in the EU, on knowledge of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) if they wanted to be even more informed about it and from which sources they would obtain the information themselves if they needed it. They addressed what EU priorities in the area of common agricultural policies should be, how the CAP/CAP fulfils its role and what the main obligations of farmers should be. Questions on how to reduce subsidies for farmers in the EU, what their views on market restrictions are and if they consider that the current agricultural budget is sufficient were answered below. The last part focused on the topic of environmental protection, with the following issues: how important it is to protect the environment, what are the main environmental problems they care about, how informed they feel about the environment, about which problems we would like to be more informed about, what is their main source of information and who they trust most about it. They also assessed progress on environmental protection, compared economic competition with regard to environmental protection, said how they care for the environment, what citizens’ priorities should be in everyday life, and how government and public authorities should decide on the environment. The questions below included an opinion on what would be the most effective way to tackle environmental problems. The demographic set included questions on the respondent’s age, gender, nationality, place of birth (respondent’s and respondent’s parents), marital status, political self-determination of left-right, occupation, age at completion of education, household composition, ownership of durable goods, use of the Internet, type and size of settlement, region of residence and language of interview.
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