Dataset information
Available languages
NAKUPOVANJE, počitniški paket, pripadnost družbeni skupini, diskriminacija, DISKRIMINACIJA, nacionalna in etnična identiteta, nakupovanje preko telefona, jedrska energija, čezmejno kupovanje, nakupovanje preko pošte, zaščita potrošnika, nakupovanje preko spleta, zavajujoči reklamni oglasi, EVROPSKA UNIJA, nakupovanje, IDENTITETA, varnost, RADIOAKTIVNI ODPADKI, invalidnost, finančne storitve, zaupanje, VARSTVO OKOLJA, neživilski izdelki, radioaktivni odpadki
Dataset description
This Eurobarometer performance differs from the standard Eurobarometer indicators. It includes three thematic strands: discrimination, radioactive waste and shopping in the European Union.
The first thematic scope focused on questions about discrimination, how widespread it is if respondents have ever experienced or witnessed discrimination and the existence of multiple discrimination.
Additional questions enquired about how respondents would feel if their neighbours were from a minority group, what feelings they would have about someone from a minority group occupying the highest-elected political group.
their place in their country and their views on indicators for equal opportunities in the field of employment. They were asked if they felt that enough had been done to combat discrimination.
and if the respondents knew their rights if they were victims of discrimination.
In the second part, respondents were asked about the opinion on radioactive waste, nuclear energy, the management of nuclear energy and the benefits of its use, and on radioactive waste and its disposal.
Further questions asked who they trusted about information on radioactive waste, what they felt about the radioactive waste dumps being located near the respondent’s home, and what they felt about the management of radioactive waste and control in the Member States and the European Union.
In the third set, questions were asked about whether they purchased or attempted to buy goods/services in the last 12 months in their own country and in another EU Member State.
what was the total value of the purchase and if they had offers from sellers from other EU countries. They were also asked if they experienced an unwanted, deceptive or false offer, coercion,
unfair terms, distance purchase and complaint. They were also asked about their interest and confidence in shopping abroad by comparing shopping in their own country.
Finally, they responded with regard to websites offering price comparison, consumer protection and dispute resolution process, financial services, holiday packages and the purchase of non-food products.
The demographic strand included questions about the respondent’s age, gender, nationality, place of birth (respondent’s and respondent’s parents), marital status, political self-determination of left-right, occupation, age at completion of education, household composition, ownership of a fixed or mobile phone and other durable goods;
about social connections, belonging to a minority group, quality of life (relating to health), the type and size of the settlement, and the region of residence and language of the interview.
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