Eurobarometer 69.2

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
EVROPSKI PARLAMENT, politika, evropske volitve, politične stranke, NARODNA IDENTITETA, družbene spremembe, zaupanje, klimatske spremembe, zadovoljstvo, članstvo v EU, ugled Evropskega parlamenta, PODNEBNA SPREMEMBA, VOLITVE V EVROPSKI PARLAMENT, evropske odločitve, IDENTITETA, nacionalna identiteta, človekove vrednote, politične vrednote, evropska identiteta, zaupanje evropskim institucijam, KULTURNA IDENTITETA, selitev, globalizacija, ZAUPANJE, EU in učinki globalizacije, stališča do proračuna EU, EVROPSKA UNIJA, Evropski proračun, javna uprava
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This Eurobarometer exercise enquires respondents about standard Eurobarometer indicators, such as how satisfied they are with their current lives, whether they have tried to persuade people close to them to share views on topics on which they have a strong opinion, whether they have discussed politics, what goals their country should have for the next 10-15 years, and how they view the need for social change. Additional questions related to the knowledge and opinion of respondents on globalisation and the European Union (EU), such as knowledge of EU structures, the resources they use to inform about the EU, if they consider that their country benefits from EU membership (or would benefit from becoming a member) and the extent of their interest in matters relating to the European Union. In the following, the questions related to the opinion on the public administration in their country, the transparency of governmental and European institutions and the importance they attached to transparency. They asked which country they would most like to join the EU — Türkiye, Croatia and Macedonia. The next thematic strand focused on national and European identity. Respondents answered questions about how the people of the EU, their country, regions, and the extent to which the citizens of the world feel, satisfaction with their own identity and the attribution of importance to a common European identity. In the second part, the survey focused on the interest of interviewees in the European elections, whether they vote, the reasons for their decision, and what points they think electoral campaigns should focus on. They were also asked about the parties they voted in the election. the European Parliament (EP) in June 2004, May 2007, November 2007 and the last national assembly elections in its country. The third part focused on European values and the value system, interviewees demonstrated their personal values, defined whether European countries associate common values and how close they are to each other. They also chose the most important values for them, which connect them with personal satisfaction. In the last set of questions, the research focused on climate change, where interviewees gave their knowledge and views on climate change, whether this is a serious problem, whether measures are being taken sufficiently to combat climate change and their opinion on personal cooperation in the fight against climate change. They also responded to the extent to which they had taken part in the fight against climate change and assessed the measures proposed by the EU to limit the effects of climate change. The demographic strand included questions about the respondent’s age, gender, nationality, place of birth (respondent’s and respondent’s parents); on marital status, political self-determination of the left-right, occupation, age at completion of education, household composition, ownership of a fixed or mobile phone and other durable goods, the type and size of the settlement, region and language of the survey.
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