Dataset information
Available languages
zadovoljstvo, migracije, MEDNARODNI KONFLIKT, Evropski proračun, konflikt med Rusijo in Gruzijo, selitev, evropske volitve, EVROPSKI PARLAMENT, VOLITVE V EVROPSKI PARLAMENT, EVROPSKA UNIJA, zaposlitvene razmere, selitev v drugo državo, družbene spremembe, zaposlitvene možnosti, odnos do Evropske unije, Evropski parlament, članstvo v EU, javne oblasti, GLOBALIZACIJA , DELOVNA MIGRACIJA, PRORAČUN, mnenje kdo ima največ / najmanj koristi od odnosov z EU, mnenje o globalizaciji
Dataset description
The survey includes standard Eurobarometer indicators, such as:
how satisfied are respondents with their current lives, or have tried
encourage people close to them to share views on topics on which they have a strong opinion, whether they have discussed political matters with others, what goals their country should have and if they think,
there is a need for social change. Additional questions focused on the respondent’s knowledge and opinion on the European Union (EU), including how well they are informed about the EU;
what sources of information about the EU are using, or consider that their country has any benefit from EU membership and the extent of their personal interest in EU matters.
Further questions related to the EU’s involvement in different political spheres, further European integration, EU enlargement, the European budget and opinion on the European Parliament.
The survey also enquired about the opinion on globalisation and its impact on local communities, businesses and the European Union.
They were asked if they had heard of the conflict between Russia and Georgia and who, in their opinion, played the most important role in ending the conflict.
The focus was shifted to employment opportunities. Respondents were asked about current employment opportunities, moving abroad, reasons and time of stay abroad, preparations before
relocation and the factors that would trigger the relocation that would otherwise not have been planned. The demographic strand included questions on respondent’s age, gender, nationality, place of birth
(respondent’s and respondent’s parents), on marital status, political self-determination of the left-right, occupation, age at completion of education, household composition,
ownership of a fixed or mobile phone and other major goods.
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