Eurobarometer 72.2

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
JEDRSKA VARNOST, nasilje, zaposlenost žensk, JEDRSKA ENERGIJA, jedrske elektrarne, jedrska energija, civilna zaščita, naravne in tehnološke nesreče, jedrska varnost, ocena sistema zdravstvenega varstva, enakost med spoloma, zdravstveno varstvo, korupcija, seksizem, KORUPCIJA, prostovoljne organizacije, revščina, zaupanje v vlado, ENAKOST SPOLOV, VLADA, pravično plačilo za delo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This Eurobarometer survey performance differs from the standard Eurobarometer indicators. Respondents answer questions within five main topics: nuclear energy, corruption, gender equality, health and civil protection. In the first thematic area, they answer questions about how well they know nuclear energy, about opinions on nuclear safety, on extending the life of nuclear power plants and on decision-makers on nuclear energy. In the next theme, they answer questions about their trust in the government, the prevalence and reasons for corruption and the specific interest groups involved in corrupt actions. In the Gender Equality section, respondents answer on women’s employment, wage inequalities, family problems, sexism, violence against women and women’s poverty. They also answer questions about the measures needed to tackle gender inequalities in the European Union (EU). The next set of questions relates to health care, quality of health care and responsibility for patient safety. Under the Civil Protection strand, respondents give their views on disaster preparedness and disaster prevention plans of their country and the EU. They are asked about the scope and contribution of voluntary organisations and the EU’s cooperation with other Member States in disaster prevention and recovery. The demographic strand includes questions about the respondent’s age, gender, country of birth (respondent and parents), marital status, occupation, education, household size, possession of a fixed or mobile phone, financial status and quality of life (relating to health).
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