Eurobarometer 73.1

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
PRIRODOSLOVJE, pomen razvoja tehnologije, evropsko znanstveno raziskovanje, vrednote, Evropski parlament, EVROPSKI PARLAMENT, vloga znanosti in tehnologije v vsakdanjem življenju, vloga Evropskega parlamenta, naravoslovje, ZNANOST IN TEHNOLOGIJA, zanimanje za znanost in tehnologijo, znanost in tehnologija, biotehnologija, regenerativna medicina, BIOTEHNOLOGIJA, okolje, OKOLJE
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This Eurobarometer survey performance differs from the standard Eurobarometer indicators. Respondents answer questions within the following main topics: The European Parliament (EP), biotechnology and science and technology. In the first set of questions, respondents answered about their knowledge and opinion on the EP, whether the EP’s role should be strengthened or weakened, which policies should be focused on and which values should be defended by the EP. The second section asks respondents for their knowledge and opinion on the development of new technologies, and whether they will have positive or negative impacts on lifestyles over the next 20 years, views on regenerative medicine, whether they have studied science, technology or engineering, and if they are religious. The latter section asks respondents about their interests, their cooperation in the field of science and technology, their views on certain claims relating to science, technology and the environment, and the level of European Union research investment and which areas should be prioritised. The demographic strand includes questions about the respondent’s age, gender, citizenship, marital status, education, occupation, political self-determination of the left-right, membership of a political party, household size, religious beliefs, possession of a fixed or mobile phone, financial condition, social situation, the use of the Internet, the type and size of the settlement, and the region of residence and language.
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