Eurobarometer 74.3

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
vloga Evropskega parlamenta, poznavanje Evropskega parlamenta, IDENTITETA, VREDNOTA, bolezni, elektronska identiteta, KEMIKALIJA, energetske politike, Evropski parlament, OSKRBA Z ENERGIJO, INTERNET, varstvo podatkov, kemični proizvod, osebni podatki, energija
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This Eurobarometer survey performance differs from the standard Eurobarometer indicators. Respondents answer questions within the following main topics: The European Parliament (EP), energy supply, data protection and electronic identity, labelling of chemicals and rare diseases. In the first set of questions, respondents answer questions about their knowledge and give opinions on the EP as to whether the EP’s role should be strengthened or weakened, which policies should be focused on and what values should be defended by the EP. In the next set, respondents answer on which objectives should be prioritised in energy policies, which energy policies should be adopted and whether there should be a common European Union energy policy. In the third set, respondents are asked about activities on the Internet, information they consider to be personal, what types of data are disclosed on the Internet, and the risks and measures taken to protect their identity. In the next set of questions, respondents answer on the use of chemical products, how to determine if they are hazardous and whether or not they correctly identify warning labels for chemical products. In the last set of questions, respondents are asked if they know someone with a rare disease, what society can do about rare diseases and whether or not they have heard of some rare diseases. The demographic strand includes questions about the respondent’s age, gender, citizenship, marital status, political self-determination of the left-right, occupation, education, household size, possession of a fixed or mobile phone, financial situation, social situation, Internet use, the type and size of the settlement, the region of residence and the language of the survey.
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