Human resources management in the SAF: contract reserve, families and end of military service, 2009

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
ZAUPANJE, PRIJAVA NA DELOVNO MESTO, postopek prijave, VOJAŠKO IZOBRAŽEVANJE, rezerva Slovenske vojske, delo v tujini, delodajalec, pogodbeni rezervist Slovenske vojske, VOJSKA, Slovenska vojska
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Dataset description

In the framework of the project “The Human Factor in the Military System”, one of the surveyed populations is reserve officers of war units or those former conscripts who have completed their training at the School for Officers of the War Units (SWT). This population is particularly important. source for re-completing voluntary reserve structures as former members of SWT as a rule, carefully selected staff from a wider structure of conscripts, who generally had a higher education, they have proven themselves in their environment as a recognizable and potential human resources and have a structure along the set of The Slovenian Armed Forces were recognised as suitable for future commanders of reserve units. In the study of reserve officers are taken into consideration above all those factors that are essential for understanding the above. populations and defined ones with which it could be possible to increase the engagement of reserve officers in the structures of contract members of the reserve formation (PPRS) today. The basic objective of the research of reserve officers is to collect relevant data to enable the client to develop appropriate integration, containment and management strategies for this potential personnel within the structures of the Slovenian Armed Forces.
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