Human resources management, Slovenia 2004

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Dataset information

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praksa kadrovanja, PODJETJE, sindikati, strategija in politika podjetja, razvoj menedžmenta, uspešnost usposabljanja, mednarodne primerjave, pridobivanje in izbira kadrov, služba za kadrovske vire, odnosi in komunikacije z zaposlenimi, ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti, nadomestila in ugodnosti, ranljive skupine, ZAPOSLITEV, ČLOVEŠKI VIRI, IZBOR KADROV, usklajevanje delovnega in družinskega življenja, EVROPSKA UNIJA, svet delavcev, služba za človeške vire, izobraževanje in razvoj zaposlenih, fleksibilne oblike dela, porast/krčenje števila zaposlenih, metode izbire, načini usposabljanja, KADROVSKA POLITIKA, plače, načini sporočanja
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Dataset description

The purpose of the international comparative study Human Resource Management is to collect data on the situation in the field of human resources management in Slovenia and to compare the collected data with the situation in the European Union and in transition countries. It gives us data on the management of human resources in Slovenian organisations that employ a large number of workers (usually 200) in all sectors of the economy, in public institutions and in the state administration. The research was developed in collaboration with the Cranfield Network (CRANET), coordinated by Cranfield University, Scholl of Management. The data in the survey are obtained using a standardised questionnaire with most closed questions. As a rule, questions were answered by the Heads of Human Resources/Human Resources. Since this is part of the international research, comparability between individual members of CRANET and comparison with other organisations in Slovenia or “benchmarking of human resources management” is possible. Slovenia’s human resources management data can be compared with international data for the group of countries of the European Union, some transition countries and some of the more developed countries of the world.
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