Dataset information
Available languages
CERKEV, odnos do vpliva verskih voditeljev na volivce in vlado, spolni odnosi izven zakona, odnos do znanosti, ocena moči cerkve in verskih organizacij, zaupanje v institucije, verska prepričanja, VERSKO PREPRIČANJE, VERSKA PRIPADNOST, odnos do splava, verski fundamentalizem, obiskovanje verskih obredov, enakopravnost vseh verskih skupin v državi, mobilnost, vloge med spoloma, RELIGIJA, VERSKA PRAKSA, odnos do homoseksualnosti, stališča o spolnih odnosih pred poroko, odnos do nezvestobe, odnos do religije, občutek osebne sreče
Dataset description
This ISSP research exercise focuses on attitudes towards religious practices. The respondents first ask for an assessment of their own happiness, attitudes towards sexual relations (exercise, homosexuality, pre-marriage sexual relations), abortion, and gender roles in marriage. He then asks about trust in institutions (e.g. parliament, church, courts, education system), the influence of religious leaders on voters and government, the power of churches and religious organisations, the equality of different religious groups, and the benefits of science and religion. He also asks about the solidity of faith, belief in the afterlife, heaven and hell, miracles, supernatural, reincarnation, etc. In addition, respondents answer about the religious affiliation of parents, the frequency of visits to the church or places of worship and religious activities. The demographic strand includes questions about the respondent’s age, gender, marital status, education, employment, occupation, trade union membership, income, household size, political self-determination of the left-right, participation in the last elections, personal religious beliefs, region of residence and country of origin or ethnic group.
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