International General Social Survey (ISSP), 2010

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
stališče o mednarodnih sporazumih o varstvu okolja, okoljska problematika, ONESNAŽEVANJE, odnos do okolja, poznavanje okoljstvenih problemov, ocena različnih vidikov kakovosti oskrbe z električno energijo, okolje, OKOLJE, zaupanje ljudem, ločevanje odpadkov, zaupanje v vlado, mnenje o zaščiti okolja, članstvo v okoljevarstvenih organizacijah, varstvo okolja, OKOLJEVARSTVENO GIBANJE, osebna vključenost v zaščito okolja, uničevanje okolja, VARSTVO OKOLJA, ZAUPANJE, klasifikacija nevarnih učinkov onesnaževanja zraka
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This ISSP research exercise focuses on views on environmental protection and government environmental protection measures. It asks respondents about the government’s responsibility to reduce income gaps between citizens and trust people, politicians and government. In the following, respondents answer questions about attitudes to environmental protection and assess their own knowledge of the causes and possible solutions to environmental problems. Respondents assess the risks of various sources of pollution, their country’s efforts to protect the environment, give their views on international agreements for the protection of the environment, desired energy sources in the future, the impact of environmental protection measures on the economy, and define their own efforts to protect the environment. The demographic strand includes questions about the respondent’s age, gender, education, employment, marital status, trade union membership, religious beliefs, political self-determination of the left-right, participation in the last elections, household size and region of residence.
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