International General Social Survey (ISSP), 2012

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
družinski odnosi, socialna politika, starševski dopust, delitev dela v gospodinjstvu, zaposlenost mater, skupni mesečni dohodek gospodinjstva, zaposlitvene razmere, vloge med spoloma, partner z višjim dohodkom, želeno število otrok, spol, odločanje v partnerskem odnosu, zdravje, OTROK , DRUŽINA, ZAPOSLOVANJE ŽENSK, čas porabljen za gospodinjska dela, pomen otrok za družinsko življenje, družina, GOSPODINJSKA OPRAVILA, stališče o zakonski zvezi, skrb za starejše, ocena osebne sreče, SPOLNA VLOGA, stališče do alternativnih družinskih oblik
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This ISSP research exercise focuses on attitudes towards family and gender roles. The respondents ask about the roles of men and women in employment and in the household, according to their views on the employment of women during the upbringing of a child, marriage, coexistence without marriage and divorce, alternative family forms, ideal numbers of children and the importance of children in life. It then asks about views on paid parental leave, on the organisation of family and professional life during parenthood, on the financing of childcare, on support for the elderly and on the division of responsibilities in the household. Respondents assess the stress caused by the family and household chores and answer questions related to personal health, overall life satisfaction and satisfaction with employment situation and family life. The demographic strand includes questions about the respondent’s age, gender, education, employment, occupation, marital status, trade union membership, religious beliefs, voter turnout in the last elections, elected party (left-right), nationality, household size, income and region of residence.
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