International General Social Survey (ISSP), 2015

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
DOHODEK, zaposljivost, zaposlitev s polovičnim delovnim časom, SINDIKAT, zaposlovanje, nadlegovanje na delovnem mestu, dohodek, varnost zaposlitve, zaposlitev in vrednote, delovna aktivnost, menedžerji, diskriminacija, VARNOST ZAPOSLITVE, odnos do dela, delovne naloge, NADLEGOVANJE, sindikati, DISKRIMINACIJA, zaposlitev s polnim delovnim časom, razmerje med delom in zasebnim življenjem, zadovoljstvo z delom
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This ISSP research exercise focuses on views on work. It asks respondents about work values (employment security, high income, etc.), work-life balance, discrimination at work, experience of harassment in the workplace and the power of trade unions. Respondents describe the characteristics of work (physical, stressful work, work at home, weekends, flexibility regarding the start and end of working hours, etc.), work training, assess relations between management and employees and between colleagues. They also respond to job satisfaction, identification with a company or organisation, concerns about job loss, employability and expected difficulties in finding a new job. The demographic strand includes questions about the respondent’s age, gender, education, employment, occupation, marital status, trade union membership, religious beliefs, participation in the last election, elected party (left-right), ethnic membership, household size, income, parents’ country of birth and region of residence.
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