Dataset information
Available languages
KORUPCIJA, nadzorovanje kriminala, zaupanje javnim uslužbencem, uspešnost vlade, KRIMINAL, VLOGA VLADE, vloga države, varnost, korupcija, državljanske svoboščine, VLADA, davki v državi, izkušnje s korupcijo, DRŽAVLJANSKE IN POLITIČNE PRAVICE, vladni ukrepi
Dataset description
This ISSP research exercise focuses on the role of the state. The respondents ask about civil liberties, different economic measures taken by the government, preferences for higher or lower government spending in different areas, and the responsibility of the government (provision of health and education). He then asks about the actors most influencing the functioning of the government, the impact of the global economy on state policies and on security and government control. Respondents shall also identify their interest in politics, understanding of important political issues, trust of civil servants, taxes and appropriate tax levels, corruption, the estimated occurrence of corruption among politicians and officials, and their own experience of corruption over the past five years. Finally, they evaluate the government’s performance in providing health care, a decent standard of living for the elderly and in addressing security threats. The demographic strand includes questions about the respondent’s age, gender, education, employment, occupation, marital status, trade union membership, religious beliefs, participation in the last election, the party elected (left-right), ethnic membership, household size, income, parents’ country of origin and region of residence.
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