Journalism and New Technologies, 2020

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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NOVINARSTVO, NOVICA, množični mediji, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, delovni proces, MNOŽIČNO KOMUNICIRANJE, digitalne tehnologije, internet, INTERNET, socialno omrežje
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Dataset description

The research focuses on the role of digital technologies in news work. Explores how Internetisation, the rise of digital platforms, metrics and options automation affects the work process, division of work, interaction with the audience, and the business models of news media. Five editors were included in the study. Slovenian media producing content (also) for the digital environment:,, MMC RTV SLO, VAL 202 and Večer. In the selection of the editorial boards, the aim was to ensure diversity by inclusion of public service broadcasting and private media with different ownership structures (foreign, domestic private, state), as well as the inclusion of different types of media (newspaper, radio, television, public broadcasting web portal and primary digital media). For a comprehensive understanding of the issue, we are in the research in addition to editors and journalists from each organisation analysed involves representatives of marketing, development, analytics and social network experts. Representatives were also involved in the study. The Union of Journalists of Slovenia and the Association of Journalists of Slovenia. The research was carried out as part of the project New Ways and Global Samples of (Re)production of Online News.
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