Labour Force Survey, 2010

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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država priselitve, ZADOVOLJSTVO NA DELOVNEM MESTU, dosežena stopnja izobrazbe, ZNAČILNOSTI DELOVNEGA MESTA, polni delovni čas ali skrajšani, gospodarska dejavnost, DELOVNO MESTO, delovna aktivnost v zadnjem tednu, sestava gospodinjstva, DELOVNI ČAS, POGOJI ZA OPRAVLJANJE DELA, netipična razporeditev delovnega časa, dohodek, samozaposlitev, ISKANJE DELA, vir informacij o zaposlitvi, DELO IN ZAPOSLOVANJE, BREZPOSELNOST, razlogi za skrajšanje delovnega časa, zaposluje druge, tekoče izobraževanje in usposabljanje, DELODAJALEC, trajanje zaposlitve, tip zaposlitve, DELOVNA MIGRACIJA
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Dataset description

The Labour Force Survey is a research that has a long tradition in Slovenia. The survey measures the state of the labour market, as well as other characteristics of the population in a given week of each quarter. The survey provides data on the size, structure and characteristics of the active and inactive population of the Republic of Slovenia. The survey is carried out as part of the Eurostat Labour Force Survey, which in 2010 covered 27 European Union countries, 4 candidate countries and 2 EFTA countries — Norway and Switzerland. 22,714 households participated in Slovenia throughout 2010. Other participating countries’ data files are also accessible to researchers via Eurostat, enabling inter-temporal and international comparisons. Under the code ADS10P, the Social Science Data Archive distributes an anonymised version of the original deindividualised data file, which is distributed under the code ADS10 by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia in its secure room and via remote access. The data files also include data on the income of natural persons (the DURS register) — it is a monthly income that is either the average of the year or the average of a shorter period if the person has worked for less than a year. Income is classified in an anonymised data file in 10 approximately equal classes, and variables with exact amounts are only available in the original ADS10 file.
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