Lifestyles in the Media Society 2001

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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uporaba kozmetike, vrednote, spremljanje informativnih oddaj, delitev dela v gospodinjstvu, branje knjig, stališča o informativnih oddajah, uporaba kreditne kartice, DRUŽBENE NAVADE, pripravljenost potovati, odnos do nakupovanja, uporaba Interneta, kulturne razlike, počitnice, stališča o prehranskih navadah, zdrava prehrana, odnos do homoseksualcev, kataloška prodaja, VREDNOTA, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, življenjski stili, demografija, dejavnosti, ki vplivajo na kvaliteto življenja, znanje tujih jezikov, zobozdravstvo, stališča o opremljanju stanovanja, pohištvu, nakupovanju pohištva, najljubša glasbena zvrst, osebni računalnik, stališča o restavracijah, alternativna medicina, meditacija, RAZREDNO RAZLIKOVANJE, kulturna potrošnja, spremljanje dnevnih časopisov, revij, zadovoljstvo z delom, PROSTI ČAS, odnos do emancipacije žensk, strankarske preference, razredne razlike, estetizacija življenja in osebni izgled, ŽIVLJENJSKI SLOG, KULTURNA IDENTITETA, odnos do tujcev in drugačnih, družbene spremembe, ukvarjanje s športom, odnos do Boga, zadovoljstvo s samim seboj, branje revij o opremljanju stanovanja, TV prodaja, najljubša oddaja, film, nadaljevanka, zanimanje za modo
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Dataset description

The main objective of the research is to investigate the relationship between class and lifestyles and to investigate the cultural dimensions of class differentiation. Research is based on the premise that culture is today a key aspect of class differentiation and that the process of so-called individualisation of society has led to the disintegration of a predictable connection between an individual’s social position, determined by education, economic situation, spatial location, etc., and his cultural practices. Thus, there has been a disintegration of stable class cultures, which are expressed in a relatively stable class taste. The researchers predicted that while there is a predictable connection between class and lifestyles (i.e. cultural consumption in different fields — from leisure time to media and music tastes), the nature of this connection needs to be determined. Therefore, the way of life, values, etc. are no longer logically feasible from the social situation. The aim of the study was to identify the link between “cultural classes” and social positions.
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