List of Unpaid Taxes FURS

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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obveznost, neplačnik, davek, dolg
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Dataset description

Warning of the Information Commissioner: Visitors to websites on which personal data on non-payers — natural persons and beneficial owners of legal entities are published are reminded that with this data it is NOT DELEGATED to establish new databases of personal data, as well as it is not necessary to enter the published data into existing databases of personal data. You can read more about this at The Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia publishes a list of taxpayers with unpaid tax liabilities that exceed EUR 5,000 on the 25th of the month preceding the month of publication and are over 90 days old. The list of non-payers of taxes is classified into ten size classes and is published monthly on the FURS website by the 10th of the month at the latest. The old list is removed from the website by publishing a new list. The legal basis for the publication of the list is in Article 20 of the Tax Procedure Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia Nos 13/11 — official consolidated text, 32/12, 94/12, 101/13 — ZDavNepr, 111/13, 22/14 — Constitutional Court Decision). Us, 25/14 — ZFU, 40/14 — ZIN-B, 90/14, 91/15, 63/16, 69/17, 13/18 — ZJF-H, 36/19, 66/19, 145/20 — Odl. Us and 203/20 — ZIUPOPDVE). According to the Information Commissioner’s instructions, the list of defaulters is created in jpg format, which prevents indexing of data. The list containing personal data on defaulted persons — natural persons and beneficial owners of legal persons — consists of several files in which no more than 50 debtors are published.
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