Maribor Public Opinion, 1989

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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RADIOAKTIVNI ODPADKI, ekološki problemi, razprave o reorganizaciji mariborskih občin, pogled na prihodnost, LOKALNA POLITIKA, odlaganje radioaktivnih odpadkov, LOKALNA UPRAVA, obiskovanje kulturnih programov, ocena razvoja mesta, mnenje o razdelitvi Maribora na šest občin, UPRAVNA REFORMA , regionalni TV program, STANOVANJSKE RAZMERE, zadovoljstvo s stanovanjskimi razmerami, SODELOVANJE, ZADOVOLJSTVO, zadovoljstvo z materialnimi razmerami, KULTURNI RAZVOJ
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The purpose of the research is to explore the views of citizens of Maribor municipalities on the functioning and possible reorganisation of the organisation of municipalities in the Maribor social space. The survey of views shall focus primarily on: citizens’ views on the division of Maribor into six municipalities in 1982; perception of the level of decision-making on basic issues affecting citizens; views on the reorganisation or reunification of Maribor municipalities; views on the development problems of Maribor; views on the development perspectives of Maribor; the involvement of citizens in the existing system of communal self-government; involvement of citizens in the cultural life of the city and citizens’ views on ecology.
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