DEMOKRACIJA, zadovoljstvo z materialnimi razmerami, VOLITVE , POLITIKA, ocena delovanja ministrstev, STRANKARSKA PRIPADNOST, pogledi na spreminjanje volilnega sistema, Ne-zadovoljstvo z demokracijo, splošne ocene razmer v slovenskem gospodarstvu, ocena slovenskih medijev, zaupanje v institucije, ocene uspešnosti delovanja posameznih institucij in nosilcev funkcij, stališča o poklicni vojski, podpora možnosti nakupa Elana s strani države, upravičenost stavke učiteljev, POLITIČNI KAZALCI, strankarske preference, skrb pred izgubo zaposlitve, ocena ravnanja slovenske vlade ob vstopu svobodnjakov v avstrijsko vlado, ocena razmerja med državo in cerkvijo, VOLILNI SISTEM, evropske orientacije, ZADOVOLJSTVO
The survey is part of a series of regular monthly telephone surveys aimed at monitoring satisfaction with the work of the government and assessing the situation in the country. The survey also includes assessing support for entry into the European Union. The current topics of the month were the assessment of the relationship between the state and the church, the assessment of the Slovenian media, the views on the professional army, the assessment of the conduct of the Slovenian government at the entry of freelancers into the Austrian government, the eligibility of teachers’ strikes and support for the possibility of acquiring Elan by the state.
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