Politbarometer PB3/02, Slovenia

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
zadovoljstvo z razvojem demokracije v Sloveniji, STRANKARSKA PRIPADNOST, VOLITVE , informiranost o procesu vključevanja v NATO, ocena uspešnosti delovanja državnih organov, zadovoljstvo z materialnimi razmerami, koristnost članstva v OZN za Slovenijo, POLITIČNI KAZALCI, POLITIKA, podpora vstopu Slovenije v NATO, DEMOKRACIJA, podpora zdravniški stavki, podpora vladi dr. Janeza Drnovška, zadovoljstvo z razmerami v slovenskem gospodarstvu, levo-desno samoopredeljevanje, poznavanje evropskih držav, članic NATA, zaupanje v institucije, ZADOVOLJSTVO, VOLILNI SISTEM, podpora vstopu Slovenije v Evropsko unijo, ocena delovanja ministrstev, informiranost o procesu vključevanja v EU, strankarske preference
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The survey is part of a series of regular monthly telephone surveys aimed at monitoring satisfaction with the work of the government and assessing the situation in the country. The survey also measures the attitude of the Slovenian public towards the integration of Slovenia into NATO and party preferences. The current bloc includes additional questions about the EU and NATO. Researchers are interested in information sources about integration processes and knowledge of Member States. Respondents answer questions about the benefits of UN membership and support for a medical strike.
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