Poll among members of the National Assembly

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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demografija, referendum/zbiranje podpisov kot obliki sprejemanja odločitev, pretekle politične izkušnje, samoocena strokovnosti na področju oblikovanja politik, POLITIČNO STALIŠČE, vloga delovnih teles v DZ, ocena dela državnega sveta, PARLAMENTARNI SISTEM, vloga poslanskih skupin, odnos med DZ in vlado, ODLOČANJE, razumljivost besedila zakonov, OBLIKOVANJE POLITIK, učinkovitost DZ, POSLANEC, članstvo v poslanski skupini, pogostost intervjuja za sredstva obveščanja, dejavniki pomembni pri glasovanju v državnem zboru, mnenje o poslanskih dohodkih, Sodobni parlament, INTERESNA SKUPINA, VLADA, dejavniki, ki zagotavljajo informacije za poslansko delo, strankarska disciplina, koalicija, POLITIČNI SISTEM, poraba poslanskega časa, volilne enote in volilci, opozicija, članstvo v rednih in preiskovalnih delovnih telesih, VOLITVE , okoliščine pomembne za poslansko delo, rekrutiranje poslancev, naloge DZ, vpliv poslanca na vladno politiko (formalni/neformalni)
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The aim of the research was to determine the role of the National Assembly in the political system of the Republic of Slovenia and depending on the development of its functions, as new parliaments are much more difficult to perform their duties than older ones. Among these, we have put particular emphasis on the functions of representing interests, resolving conflicts and the legislative function. In addition to objective statistics on the composition and work of the National Assembly, we collected and analysed subjective data on the population of deputies. We were interested in how Slovenian parliamentarians assess their role in the decision-making process in the national parliament. Among other things, we found their understanding of the representation of interests (general, party, local, etc.), the connection with voters and the circumstances that influence the work of the parliamentarians. In particular, we explored their role in parliamentary groups and within the working bodies of the National Assembly, as well as their ability to overcome conflicts and form consensus. We also found out their views on the efficiency of the National Assembly.
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