Population, Household and Housing Census in the Republic of Slovenia in 2002

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
STATISTIKA, POPISNI PODATEK, prvo prebivališče, STANOVANJE, starost, DEMOGRAFSKA STATISTIKA, DEMOGRAFIJA, poklic, število otrok, dnevne migracije, stavba, ogrevanje, demografske značilnosti, zakonski stan, kraj šolanja, delovna aktivnost, GOSPODINJSTVO, regija prebivališča, pridelovanje hrane, tip gospodinjstva, državljanstvo, panoga zaposlitve, kabelska televizija, spol, napeljave, kraj dela, stanovanjsko razmerje, material konstrukcije stavbe, leto zgraditve stavbe, stanovanje, priselitev, izobrazba
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The purpose of the 2002 census was to collect basic data on population, households and dwellings and buildings also for the lowest territorial levels and for comparison with previous censuses. Data is important for state institutions, researchers and the general public in identifying and planning changes in society. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia published aggregated census data in the form of tables on its website and its publications. Microdata sample for public use: A 5 % sample of individuals, dwellings and buildings is primarily intended for use in research and education and allows you to review the correlation between variables. Three data files are available: persons, dwellings and buildings. Files are anonymised for general use via ADP, access to comprehensive data is only possible on SURS, subject to limitations due to statistical confidentiality. The file covers the geographical characteristics of persons such as the region of residence, the place of school or work, the frequency and method of daily migration, the time and country or region of migration, then the demographic characteristics of the persons such as the number of live births, sex and age, marital status, then economic characteristics such as education, work activity, sector of employment and occupation, as well as the housing ratio of the household and self-cultivation. The variables ethnicity and religion are excluded from the files due to the sensitivity of data confidentiality. The housing file covers the region, type and ownership of the dwelling, number of persons and households in the dwelling, location, area, number of rooms in the apartment, equipment with auxiliary premises, connections and wiring, mode and source of heating. The building file comprises variables of the type of construction, the number of floors and dwellings, the material of the construction and the years of construction.
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