Problems of the social and spatial transformation of the Rakova Jelša local community in Ljubljana

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vprašanja glede normalizacije infrastrukture, STANOVANJE, življenjski standard v krajevni skupnosti, formalni stanovanjski sistem, neusklajenost želja planerjev, STANOVANJSKA POLITIKA, URBANIZACIJA, neformalni stanovanjski sistem, finančne težave občine Vič, južni del Rakove Jelše, neusklajena komunikacija med planerji in prebivalci krajevne skupnosti, implementacija strategije planerjev, strategije nelegalnih graditeljev, reševanje problemov v okviru legalnega stanovanjskega sistema, težave in zapleti s kanalizacijo, načini planske intervencije v grajeno okolje, STANOVANJSKE RAZMERE, odnos urbanizma in črne gradnje, nelegalna - črna gradnja, severni del Rakove Jelše, nezmožnost občine za financiranje osnovno potrebnih infrastruktur v KS Rakova Jelša, krajevna skupnost Rakova Jelša, OKOLJSKA SPREMEMBA, problemi nezainteresiranosti planerjev za južni del Rakove Jelše, NASELJE, planiranje kot komunikativno delovanje za boljše tehnično delo planerja
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Dataset description

The essential characteristics of social spatial disparities are the causes in the structure of the space, which stem from the inconsistency between processes of industrialisation and urbanisation. For such a synthetic representation, which we will want to examine in more detail, we relied primarily on theoretical considerations and already made empirical research into illegal masonry. The specificity of the settlement Rakova Jelša is characterised by a complete congruence with the proposed theory of analysis of illegal buildings. Namely (i) due to its utopian dimensions, the formal housing system does not perform its function satisfactorily, and (ii) this results in the parallel development of complementary informal housing practices, including illegal housing construction. Even before we meet the central part of the research, we conducted preliminary interviews with the aim of feeling the social atmosphere. However, it often touched upon our predetermined hypotheses that one of the main causes of the failure of spatial regulation is precisely the disregard of differentiated spatial practices. The purpose of a specific type of research — the case study was not only to find out why the legal housing system in no way makes it possible to meet housing needs for certain categories of residents. Rather, in order to deal with black construction as a necessary and unavoidable consequence of a formal housing system. And present possible ways of solving the problem and at the same time find the mobilisation potential of black builders in legal forms of housing care.
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