Psychological profile of the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia, 2020

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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psihološki odzivi, epidemija, ZAUPANJE, COVID-19, pandemija, koronavirus, zaščitno vedenje, kredibilnost informacij, covid-19
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Dataset description

Rapid response by the population and adherence to preventive measures are two of the most effective ways to limit the spread of infections in the early stages of the epidemic. In Slovenia, where residents had relatively little experience with past epidemics, reporting of the new coronavirus was prevalent in the media even before the first confirmed COVID-19 case. intensive reporting on the progress of dissemination and information to the public continued after that. Research talks about how people perceive this information, how well they are informed. and how they respond to developments related to the spread of the new coronavirus. It discusses the extent to which they trust different representatives and institutions and how credible they are. they feel the information they receive from them. In connection with this, the study also examines how these perceptions are related to actual and hypothetical (in the case of the presence of symptoms) taking measures to limit the spread of the disease. The survey focuses on the first detections and responses of the population (within a range of 100 hours from the first officially confirmed case of COVID-19 infection in Slovenia) and their connection to self-protective behavior. The analysis took into account respondents who replied to all questions (n=1705). The syntax for the translation of the file into English is available among the accompanying materials. Note: the final cleaned database is published, the results published in publications that were created before that date may vary slightly.
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