School Continuation Factors of Slovenian Youth, 1973

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
poklicne želje, OSNOVNOŠOLSKO IZOBRAŽEVANJE, fakultativne dejavnosti, materina ocena primernosti otroka za šolanje, materialne možnosti šolanja, mladina, DRUŽBENA NEENAKOST, šolanje, MLADOSTNIK , IZOBRAŽEVANJE, oprema šol, članstvo v krožkih, menjava poklica, mobilnost, umske sposobnosti, poklicna uspešnost, KAZALEC USPEŠNOSTI, vzgoja otrok, distribucija sredstev, zadovoljstvo s šolo, zadovoljstvo s poklicem, inteligentnost, poklicno usmerjanje, g-faktor, odnos profesorjev, stres v šoli, srednja šola, zaposlovanje, vključevanje v nadaljnje šolanje, socialna neenakost, osnovna šola, osebnostne lastnosti, realizacija intelektualnih potencialov, izvenšolska angažiranost, faktorji nadaljnjega šolanja, šolski uspeh, izbira poklica, menjava šole, SREDNJA ŠOLA, materialne dobrine, objektivne možnosti šolanja, osemletno šolanje, doseganje ciljev, represivnost v domači vzgoji, inteligenca
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The survey includes data on the social background and family environment of pupils, their school successes, extracurricular activities, interests, professional preferences and educational aspirations, inclusions in further education and success in continuing schooling, as well as results on skill tests (intelligentness and creativity), and personality tests. In addition, it also includes teacher ratings, as well as views of pupils’ mothers in relation to their schooling, as well as information on their educational styles. These data are complementary and upgraded at different stages of the survey, and we need to distinguish; first, standard data from the Career Choice Survey and the results of group tests with mental aptitude tests, then the results of three different questionnaires and the creativity test (“Use of subjects”), the results of the postal survey on continuing education and the results of the questionnaire on educational styles for mothers of pupils, and final data on integration into higher and higher schools. Prior to the survey itself, a pre-experiment was carried out comparing a group of pupils who, despite relatively low intellectual abilities, had been enrolled in further education with another group, which, despite relatively high skills, participated in schooling and enrolled. In addition to the above data, we took into account in particular the qualification structure of teachers in primary schools.
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