Sections downstream and upstream of the reference sections

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Območja upravljanja/zaprta območja/regulirana območja in poročevalske enote
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Dataset description

The database covers watercourses upstream and downstream of the reference sections of watercourses and/or lakes, as defined in the Decree on water management plans for river basin districts of the Danube and the Adriatic Sea (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 67/16). Reference stretches are sections of watercourses and shores of lakes where reference points are sites with only very small changes in the hydromorphological, physico-chemical and biological quality elements of the ecological status of surface waters due to human activity and meet the definitions for very good ecological status in accordance with the regulation governing the status of surface waters. Reference sections of watercourses include the collection Reference sections of watercourses. Reference sections of the lake coast include the collection Reference Sections on Lakes. In accordance with 4 (5). The Decree on water management plans for river basin districts of the Danube and the Adriatic Sea (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 67/16) contains the digital data layer for the level of criterion 1: 25,000 in the national coordinate system defined watercourses upstream of the reference sections and sections of watercourses downstream of the reference sections or downstream of the lake on which the reference sections are defined, to the downstream boundary of the fish type into which the reference section or water flow at the outflow from the lake is classified. Data on these sections and their geographical boundaries shall form part of the information system of the environment and include in particular: — section identification number; — the code and name of the surface water body where the section is located; — fish type in accordance with the regulation governing the monitoring of the status of surface waters into which the reference section is classified; — the length of the section of the watercourse downstream of the reference section or downstream of the lake, where reference stretches are defined to the downstream boundary of the fish type into which the reference section(s) at the outflow from the lake is classified; and — date of designation of the section.
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